The Wooden Articular Church
Guided tours
May - October
Monday - Saturday
9:00 / 9:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00
12:30 / 13:00 / 13:30 / 14:00 / 14:30
15:00 / 15:30 / 16:00 / 16:30
Lunch break: 11:30 - 12:30
November - April
Tuesday and Friday
10:00 - 12:00 ; 13:00 - 15:00
Lunch break: 12:00 - 13:00

The New Evangelical
Guided tours
May - October
Monday - Saturday
9:00 / 09:30 / 10:00 / 10:30 / 11:00
11:30 / 13:00 / 13:30 / 14:00 / 14:30
15:00 / 15:30 / 16:00 / 16:30
Lunch break: 12:00 - 13:00
November - April
Tuesday and Friday
10:00 - 12:00 ; 13:00 - 15:00
Lunch break: 12:00 - 13:00

The Evangelical
Lyceum & Library
Guided tours
May - October
Monday - Friday
8:00 / 9:00 / 10:00 / 11:00
12:30 / 13:30 / 14:30 / 15:30
Lunch break: 12:00 - 12:30
November - April
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 12:00 ; 12:30 - 14:30
Lunch break: 12:00 - 12:30
During the holidays and remembrance days, listed below, guided tours in churches and library are unavailable.
In case of a wedding, the churches are closed to tourists.
You can book a guided tour for a larger group (minimum 10 people) besides the opening hours as well, but not on Sunday and religious holidays.
Send an e-mail to ecavkk@gmail.com or lyceumkk@gmail.com
Christian Holidays and Remembrance days
Guided tours in churches and Lyceum are unavailable during the holidays and remembrance days. However, churches are not closed actually. Visitors can spend time with us and attend worship services, which are held according to this schedule.
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you!
List of Christian Holidays and Remembrance days,
which are used for worship-service purposes and during which the guided tours in churches and Lyceum are not available:
1. January - New Year’s Day
6. January - Epiphany
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday, the day of Jesus' death
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
Ascension Day, Jesus ascended to Heaven
Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was given to the disciples and the Church was founded
Trinity Sunday
29. June - Peter and Paul Day
5. July - The Day of Slavic missionaries Cyril and Methodius
31. October - Reformation Day
2. November - The Remembrance of deceased people
24. December - Christmas Eve
25. December - Christmas Day, the birth of Christ
26. December - 2nd Day of Christmas or St. Stefanus Day
31. December - Old Year’s Day
Public holidays in Slovakia:
1. January - Day of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic
6. January - Epiphany
Good Friday
Easter Monday
1. May - International Workers' Day
8. May - Day of victory over fascism
5. July - St. Cyril and Methodius Day
29. August - Slovak National Uprising Anniversary
1. September - Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic
15. September - Day of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, patron saint of Slovakia
1. November - All Saints’ Day
17. November - Day of the Fight for Freedom & Democracy
24. December - Christmas Eve
25. December - Christmas Day
26. December - St. Stefanus Day